
Date of placement
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  • Demographic development in Russia: information-analytical materials

    The collection includes publications of the Institute for Demographic Research of the Federal Research Sociological Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences, in particular national demographic reports, the Institute of Sociology of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Materials are presented in which, among other topics, the issue of demographic potential of youth is investigated.

    • 11

    8 publications

  • Brief statistical compilatons "Russia in figures"

    Statistical materials published annually by the Federal State Statistics Service (Rosstat). The data is divided into thematic blocks, which contain information about the demographic situation, socio-economic situation, employment, unemployment, etc. The indicators are broken down by age groups, which include young people.

    • 53

    5 publications

  • International indices assessing the situation of youth

    One of the main tools for monitoring the processes taking place in the youth environment as well as assessing the situation of young people is indexes. There is a number of international (global) indices. The collection includes information-analytical materials (reports, reviews) considering such indicators as the Global Youth Development Index, the Global Youth Wellbeing Index, the Youth Progress Index, etc.

    • 0

    8 publications

  • Statistical compilations "Kyrgyzstan in figures"

    The collections published by the National Statistical Committee of the Kyrgyz Republic provide information on the socio-economic situation of the country. You can find data about youth in the sections on employment, education, culture, recreation, tourism, etc.

    • 40

    4 publications

  • Statistical compilations "Youth of Kazakhstan"

    Statistical materials contain indicators characterizing the situation of young people in the Republic of Kazakhstan. Topics such as health, labour market, education, etc. are covered. The collections are published by the national statistical service of Kazakhstan.

    • 12

    9 publications