
  • Children

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    • The situation of children in Turkmenistan: information-analytical materials

      Publications in which you will find an analysis of the situation of children in Turkmenistan. The mechanisms of protection of children's rights, social protection and other aspects are considered. The collection includes the publications released with the support of the Representative Office of the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) in Turkmenistan.

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      11 publications

    • Statistical collections about children in the CIS countries

      The documents give an idea of the situation of children in such CIS Member States as Azerbaijan, Belarus, Kazakhstan and Moldova. The publications contain information on the following topics: demography, education, social protection, employment, etc.

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      13 publications

  • Culture

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    • Regulatory legal acts on culture in the CIS

      The collection contains legislative acts of the countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States on culture / cultural activities (laws, codes, concepts, etc.). Model legislation of the CIS Interparliamentary Assembly is also presented.

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      18 publications

    • Youth and children's subcultures

      The collection includes information and analytical materials (scientific articles, studies, reports) published in the CIS Member States on the phenomenon of youth and children's subcultures.

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      18 publications

    • Socio-cultural potential of Belarusian youth

      The publications are devoted to the topic of the socio-cultural potential of youth of the Republic of Belarus. It refers to the ability of an individual (or group) to critically evaluate different types and forms of culture, create cultural values, and acquire social skills. The publications were prepared by the authors of the State Educational Institution "National Institute for Higher Education".

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      6 publications

  • Demography

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    • Demographic yearbook of the CIS Member States

      Statistical collections characterizing the demographic situation in the CIS countries. The publications contain data reflecting demographic processes in the states. From the given information about the number and age and gender composition of the population information about youth as a socio-demographic group can be extracted.

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      18 publications

    • Brief statistical compilations "Bryansk Region in figures"

      The compilations are published annually by Bryanskstat. They contain sections such as "Population", "Labour", "Education", "Culture", "Healthcare", etc. Information about children and youth as socio-demographic groups can be obtained from statistical materials.

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      6 publications

    • Brief statistical compilations "Kursk Region in figures"

      The compilations issued annually by Kurskstat publish indicators characterizing the socio-economic situation of the Kursk Region. Topics such as labor, education, healthcare, culture, recreation and tourism and others are considered. Statistical data on youth and children are presented.

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      5 publications

  • Economic affairs

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    • Social conditions and standard of living in the CIS countries: statistical compilations

      The statistical materials issued by the national statistical services of the CIS Member States reflect the indicators characterizing the socio-economic development of the countries. Information is provided on employment and unemployment, working conditions, demographic situation, etc. The indicators are divided by age groups. The reader can get data on youth as a socio demographic unit.

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      5 publications

    • Statistical collections "Information society" issued in the CIS countries

      The compilations are published by the national statistical services of the CIS Member States. The materials contain the results of surveys on the use of information technologies and information and telecommunication networks by the population. The influence of technology on the life of the younger generation is considered.

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      6 publications

  • Education

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    • Scientific and pedagogical journal "Higher education in Russia"

      The monthly all-Russian journal publishes the results of fundamental, exploratory and applied research on the development of higher education. The target audience of the journal includes researchers and practitioners of higher and additional professional education. In the issues you will find theoretical articles, conference materials, round tables, scientific reviews.

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      66 publications

    • Laws on education in the CIS

      The collection contains legislative acts of the CIS Member States on education as well as model laws on different types of education (higher and postgraduate vocational, extracurricular, primary and secondary vocational, etc.).

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      23 publications

    • The problem of distance learning during the COVID-19 pandemic

      The collection's materials are devoted to the problem of transferring the educational process to a remote format during the coronavirus pandemic. The publications consider the practice of switching to distance learning, its impact on general education. The empirical basis of the research was the results of social surveys.

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      8 publications

  • Employment and career guidance

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    • Youth in the labour market in the CIS

      Publications that provide data characterizing the situation of young people living in the CIS countries in the labour market. Such aspects as employment, unemployment, career guidance of young people, etc. are touched upon. The collection also includes statistical collections on labour and employment, which contain data on youth as a social and demographic group.

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      27 publications

    • NEET-youth in the CIS

      The collection includes materials dedicated to the problem of NEET youth – youth not in employment, education or training – in the CIS. In publications based on the results of sociological research a portrait of this population group is given. Projects and programs aimed at reducing the level of youth unemployment in the CIS countries are presented.

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      9 publications

  • Family policy

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  • Healthcare

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  • Humanitarian cooperation

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  • Morale building

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    • Magazine "Pioneer": retro collection

      The magazine "Pioneer" was published by the Central Committee of the Komsomol and the Central Council of the All-Union Pioneer Organization named after V.I. Lenin. It has been published since 1924. From 1925 to 1935 it was published once every two weeks, then monthly.

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      344 publications

    • Pioneer movement in the Republic of Belarus

      The collection is based on the materials of the Belarusian Republican Pioneer Organization (BRPO), one of the largest children's associations in the country. You can get acquainted with the methodological recommendations on the organization of the activities of pioneer detachments, regulations on various competitions, projects, actions, and games. In addition, the collection includes the publication of the state institution of additional education "Polotsk District Center for Children and Youth" on the topic of pioneer management.

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      30 publications

  • Prevention of socially dangerous phenomena

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    • Bullying as a socio-psychological phenomenon

      The collection contains methodological and informational and analytical materials on the topic of bullying. In publications, it is considered as a cultural phenomenon, and its prevention is being studied. The materials also raise the issue of cyberbullying.

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      20 publications

    • Prevention of juvenile delinquency in the CIS Member States

      The collection includes laws on the prevention of neglect and juvenile delinquency, methodological recommendations, statistical collections issued by the national statistical services of the CIS, in which this topic is covered, and other materials.

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      10 publications

  • Research activity

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    • Value orientations of youth in the CIS Member States

      The results of sociological studies of value orientations and transformations of young people living in the CIS countries. It highlights such aspects as the assessment of the future by young people, their idea of civic and patriotic education, attitude to social conflicts, volunteer practices, etc.

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      15 publications

    • Multiple Indicator Cluster Surveys (MICS) in the CIS Member States

      Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey (MICS) is an international household survey program developed by the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF). It is conducted in order to collect key indicators used to assess the situation of children and women. The results of such surveys in the CIS countries constitute the content of the collection.

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      10 publications

  • Sport

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  • Volunteering

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    • Social volunteering: methodology

      Methodological materials devoted to social volunteering – a type of volunteer activity that includes various types of voluntary assistance, for example, assistance to people with disabilities, the elderly, orphans, etc.

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      10 publications

    • Laws on volunteering in the CIS

      The legislative acts of the CIS Member States on volunteer activities are presented. In the collection you will also find the Model Law "On volunteering" adopted by the Interparliamentary Assembly of the CIS Member States in 2015.

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      8 publications

  • Youth policy

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    • All-Russian youth magazine "Our Youth"

      The collection contains electronic issues of the magazine "Our Youth". The print edition was created in 2009. The target audience of the magazine is heads of federal, regional and municipal authorities, employees of youth agencies, heads of youth organizations and movements, rectors of universities, chairmen of student councils, initiative and talented youth. On the pages of the magazine the situation of youth in Russia is revealed. The key directions of youth policy are described as well.

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      189 publications