Instructions for working with the portal


The e-library "Youth of the CIS" contains the following sections:

- News. This section offers announcements of scientific and educational events dedicated to youth issues as well as materials from such library headings as "Digest", "Bookshelf", etc.

- Latest. The latest additions to the e-library fund are presented. Each edition has the title, year and volume of the publication as well as the number of readings and the number of downloads.

- Collections. Materials are grouped by thematic categories. Each category reflects the top 3 collections by popularity (to view all collections click "View all").

- Experts. The cards of experts in the field of youth policy from the countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States are presented. The card contains the author's biography and publications.

- Partners. The cards of the library's partner organizations in the CIS are given. The card contains brief information about the organization and its publications.

- Popular. The most popular publications are presented by the number of views and the number of downloads. The sample is offered according to two parameters – by type of documents and organizations. Each edition has the name, year and volume of the publication as well as the number of readings and the number of downloads.

- Statistics. The reporting figures for the latest 30 days are given as well as data presented in percentage terms and divided into four categories: Countries, Categories, Topics and Document types.

Information search options

1. You know the search query

You should specify it in the search bar on the main page. A simple search is performed using four parameters: title, author, abstract and keywords.

Fig. 1. Search bar (simple search)
Fig. 1. Search bar (simple search)

To refine your search query use advanced search. Unlike the simple type, the advanced type of search involves filtering by several criteria. The search is performed by the following attributes:

- Authors;

- Title;

- Year (Year from and Year to);

- Country;

- Organization;

- Language;

- Rubric (categories of materials);

- Type of document;

- Topic (topics directly covering the areas of youth policy implementation and indirectly related to it);

- Topic (sublayer).

Fig. 2. Advanced search
Fig. 2. Advanced search

2. You are inclined to get acquainted with the updates of the library fund

Go to the "Latest" page. For convenience use the filters on the right. The filtering system allows for advanced search by attributes such as "Country", "Year" (time frame from... and to...), "Language", "Category" and "Topic". When you click the "Show more" button, more search items are visible. To get the filtering results, after the specific parameters are selected, you need to click the "Apply" button.

3. You want to quickly familiarize yourself with the content of the library fund

Go to the "Popular" page. Publications are presented by document types and by organization (the top 5 publications for each type and for each organization are reflected). To get a complete selection click the "View all" button.

4. You are interested in the thematic collections of sources

Go to the "Collections" page. The thematic categories that match the topics from the advanced search are reflected.

5. You are interested in the experts in the field of youth policy

Go to the "Experts" page. The expert cards can be sorted by CIS countries and by topics. The letters on which there are cards are highlighted in blue.

6. You are interested in the library's partners

Go to the "Partners" page. The partners' cards can be sorted by CIS countries and by topics. The letters on which there are cards are also highlighted in blue.

7. You want to keep up to date with the latest news in the sphere of youth policy in the CIS

Go to the "News" page. This section contains not only the news materials themselves, but also thematic library rubrics.

8. You are inclined to look for the summary statistics of the e-library

Go to the "Statistics" page. Statistics for the last 30 days are presented (the number of unique visitors, the number of views, read, downloaded). The next section contains information on four parameters. The "Categories" attribute contains data for all four categories of materials in the library. The rest of the attributes show a selection of the top 10.

Publication card (publication page)

The publication card contains a description of the document by key attributes (Author, Year, Number of pages, Organization, Abstract, etc.). Publications in the library can be both read and downloaded (the "Read" and "Download" buttons, respectively). There is also the "Share" buttion. If the author's full name is highlighted in blue, when clicked, the user gets to a page with a selection of publications by a particular author. If the publication is included in any collection on the site, this collection is visible in the "Included in collections" section under the cover of the document. Keywords are also an important tool, according to which a selection of publications similar in content is formed (keywords are placed under the annotation). 

Bilingual user interface

The e-library portal provides you with the function of switching to English. The English version is available by clicking the "En" button on the main page in the upper right corner.

Switching to social networks

If you want to follow the development of our project, go to the Vkontakte community and the Telegram channel (icons on the main page in the upper right corner or in the basement of the site).