
Date of placement
  • Date of placement
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  • National indices assessing the situation of youth in the CIS Member States

    Along with international indices that are a tool for monitoring the processes taking place in the youth environment in the world there are also national indices measured in the CIS countries. The CIS Member States adapt global indices to their realities. In the collection you will find materials devoted to the specifics of calculating national indices.

    • 18

    8 publications

  • Statistical reference books "Belarus in figures"

    Statistical materials published by the National Statistical Committee of the Republic of Belarus. The reference books contain brief information about the socio-economic and demographic situations of the country. The information is grouped by various topics. The sections "Population" and "Education" provide information about youth as a population group.

    • 24

    6 publications

  • Statistical reference books "Moldova in figures"

    Statistical materials published annually by the National Bureau of Statistics of the Republic of Moldova. The reference books contain brief information about the socio-economic and demographic situations of the country. The information is grouped by topics: education and science, healthcare, culture and sports, tourism, etc. In particular, the structure of the population by gender and age is given. Young people can be distinguished as a socio-demographic group.

    • 9

    8 publications

  • Youth passports of the regions of the Republic of Kazakhstan

    Statistical materials containing information on socio-demographic characteristics, health status of Kazakhstani youth as well as the situation on the labour market, offenses, etc. Publications are issued by regional bodies dealing with youth policy issues.

    • 10

    3 publications

  • Demographic yearbook of the CIS Member States

    Statistical collections characterizing the demographic situation in the CIS countries. The publications contain data reflecting demographic processes in the states. From the given information about the number and age and gender composition of the population information about youth as a socio-demographic group can be extracted.

    • 50

    18 publications