Research activity

Date of placement
  • Date of placement
  • Rating
  • Number of publications
  • Scientific journal "Society: Sociology, Psychology, Pedagogics"

    The journal included in the List of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation since 2015 publishes the results of research on social, psychological and pedagogical aspects of the development of modern society. The reader can get acquainted with works on such topics as demography, sociology of culture, pedagogical psychology, theory and methodology of teaching and upbringing (by levels and areas of education), methodology and technology of vocational education, etc.

    • 1

    119 publications

  • Collections published by Moscow State Psychological and Pedagogical University

    The collection contains compilations of All-Russian scientific and practical conferences held at Moscow State Psychological and Pedagogical University. The materials consider various youth initiatives directed at the development of civil society. The conferences were attended by representatives of Russian universities. Also in the collection you will find a compilation based on the results of a scientific seminar with international participation, which highlights socio-pedagogical activities in the context of the transformation of the higher education's educational space. 

    • 21

    4 publications

  • Value orientations of youth in the CIS Member States

    The results of sociological studies of value orientations and transformations of young people living in the CIS countries. It highlights such aspects as the assessment of the future by young people, their idea of civic and patriotic education, attitude to social conflicts, volunteer practices, etc.

    • 14

    15 publications

  • Multiple Indicator Cluster Surveys (MICS) in the CIS Member States

    Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey (MICS) is an international household survey program developed by the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF). It is conducted in order to collect key indicators used to assess the situation of children and women. The results of such surveys in the CIS countries constitute the content of the collection.

    • 11

    10 publications