Youth policy

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  • Development of the regulatory framework of state youth policy in Russia

    The collection consists of documents that since the 1990s have regulated state youth policy in Russia. It includes the Law of the USSR No. 2114-1 of April 16, 1991 "On the general principles of state youth policy in the USSR", the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 1075 of September 16, 1992 "On urgent measures in the field of state youth policy", the Fundamentals of state youth policy of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2025 approved in 2014, and other key documents.

    • 49

    9 publications

  • Strategic documents in the field of youth policy in the CIS

    Legal and regulatory documents that include the strategies for youth affairs, the development of the youth sector and state youth policy in the Commonwealth are presented. The collection also includes Strategies for International Youth Cooperation of the CIS Member States.

    • 91

    15 publications

  • Laws on youth policy in the CIS countries

    The laws of the CIS countries adopted at the state level and defining the goals, principles and main directions of the state youth policy. In addition, the documents describe the mechanisms for the formation and implementation of youth policy.

    • 35

    12 publications