Youth policy

Date of placement
  • Date of placement
  • Rating
  • Number of publications
  • Statistical bulletins on topical youth issues (the Republic of Kazakhstan)

    Statistical materials for different years issued by our partner Scientific Research Center "Youth" and containing information about the state of Kazakh youth on various aspects of life and the implementation of state programs. The publications were prepared by order of the Ministry of Social Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

    • 15

    6 publications

  • Reports of the World Assembly of Youth

    Publications issued by the World Assembly of Youth, the international coordinating body of national youth councils and national youth organizations. The collection includes reports of the General Assembly of the organization, annual reports describing the activities carried out during the year as well as publication on topics correlated with the youth problematic.

    • 6

    26 publications

  • Report on the activities of the National Youth Council of Russia

    The publications cover the activities of our partner – the National Council of Youth established in 1992. Information is provided on the mission, goals and objectives of the National Council. Its member organizations are listed. The reports tell about the experience of holding events in the field of youth policy.

    • 25

    8 publications

  • Fundamental documents on cooperation in the field of youth work in the CIS

    The collection consists of key documents regulating multilateral cooperation in the field of youth work in the CIS. These include the Regulation on the basic organization of the CIS Member States for working with youth, Strategies for International Youth Cooperation over the years, the Model Law "On state youth policy", etc.

    • 50

    7 publications