Youth policy

Date of placement
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  • SYP implementation: the Kostroma Region

    Annual reports on the implementation of the State Program "Development of the state youth policy in the Kostroma Region" are presented. One of the subprograms is devoted to the civic and patriotic education of youth of the region. The law "On youth policy in the Kostroma Region" defines the goals, principles and key directions of SYP implementation.

    • 15

    5 publications

  • SYP implementation: the Sverdlovsk Region

    The law "On the implementation of youth policy in the Sverdlovsk Region" adopted in 2013 is presented. The reader can also get acquainted with the reports on the main results of the activities of the Ministry of Education and Youth Policy of the Sverdlovsk Region for different years.

    • 20

    5 publications

  • SYP implementation: the Republic of Buryatia

    The collection includes accounting documents on the results of the activities of the Ministry of Sports and Youth Policy of the Republic of Buryatia for different years. The selection also includes a regional law on the implementation of youth policy in the region adopted by the People's Hural in 2021.

    • 11

    7 publications

  • SYP implementation: the Leningrad Region

    The reports issued by the Committee on Youth Policy of the Leningrad Region and covering a range of topics related to the areas of implementation of youth policy in the region (the development of the volunteer movement, civic and patriotic education, prevention of antisocial behavior of youth, countering the ideology of terrorism among youth, etc) are presented. The collection also contains the regional law on youth policy published in 2021 and the decree of the governor of the region on the formation of the youth government.

    • 3

    20 publications

  • SYP implementation: the Irkutsk Region

    The collection includes reports on the work of the Ministry of Youth Policy of the Irkutsk Region as well as state programs on the topic "Youth Policy", the purpose of which is to ensure successful socialization and effective self-realization of youth. The collection includes reports on the work of the Ministry of Youth Policy of the Irkutsk Region as well as state programs on the topic "Youth Policy", the purpose of which is to ensure successful socialization and effective self-realization of youth. Additionally, the selection includes the regional law "On youth policy in the Irkutsk Region".

    • 9

    10 publications

  • Regional information magazine "Young Altai" (the Altai Krai)

    The information magazine was published from 2010 to 2019 (the frequency of publication is quarterly). The magazine was supported by the Department of Youth Policy and the Implementation of Public Development Programs of the Altai Krai. In the issues you will find information about the directions of implementation of youth policy in the region, youth projects, initiatives.

    • 0

    39 publications