Youth policy

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  • State reports on the situation of youth in the Udmurt Republic

    The documents consider the situation of young people living in the territory of the Udmurt Republic. From the reports you can learn about the civic and political activity of young people, their value orientations. The publications also contain information about patriotic education, employment, and youth leisure.

    • 1

    10 publications

  • SYP implementation: the Kaliningrad Region

    The collection includes documents on the mechanisms of implementation of state youth policy in the region. In particular, you can get acquainted with the state program of the Kaliningrad Region "Youth" (2014), for the implementation of which the Agency for Youth Affairs of the Kaliningrad Region is responsible, as well as with the reports on its implementation.

    • 10

    12 publications

  • SYP implementation: the Republic of Tatarstan

    In the materials the reader can find information about the implementation of youth policy in the region, for which the Ministry of Youth Affairs of the Republic of Tatarstan is responsible. The collection also contains a document of the regional youth public organization "League of Students of the Republic of Tatarstan" on the competition for housing under the social mortgage program among the leaders of youth policy.

    • 24

    9 publications

  • SYP implementation: the Kurgan Region

    The collection includes the Law of the Kurgan Region No. 77 of June 30, 2021 "On youth policy in the Kurgan Region", the state program "Development of education and implementation of state youth policy" as well as annual reports on the progress of its realization in the region.

    • 12

    7 publications

  • SYP implementation: the Penza Region

    The reader can find information about the activities of the Ministry of Education of the Penza Region in the implementation of state youth policy and the regional youth forum campaign. The collection includes the Law "On the implementation of youth policy in the Penza Region" adopted in 2021.

    • 9

    8 publications