
Date of placement
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  • Number of publications
  • Scientific periodical of the intercollegiate consortium "Main Issues of Pedagogy and Psychology"

    The periodical is aimed at improving the system of higher pedagogical education in the Republic of Armenia. It contains articles of scientific-theoretical and scientific-methodological content devoted to the issues of psychology and pedagogy. The publication is oriented at specialists in these fields, employees of higher educational institutions (universities) as well as those who are interested in the development of psychological and pedagogical sciences.

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    23 publications

  • All-Russian intedisciplinary journal "Pedagogy and Psychology of Education"

    The issue is published by Moscow Pedagogical State University (MPSU). It highlights scientifically based solutions to pedagogical and psychological problems and tasks of teaching and upbringing at all levels of the system of continuing education, from preschool to additional. The periodicity of the publication is four issues per year.

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    62 publications

  • Monthly scientific-practical and informational-methodological journal "Vestnik of Education"

    In the journal published by the scientific and methodological institution "National Institute of Education" (the Republic of Belarus) you can find materials on the development of the Belarusian education system. The publication is directed at researchers, teachers, specialists of educational development institutes as well as employees of educational management bodies.

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    31 publications

  • Collection of scientific arcticles "Psychological support of the educational process"

    The collection is published by the educational institution "Republican Institute of Vocational Education" (the Republic of Belarus). The publications highlight the issues of psychological support for the development of the personality of children and youth, professional training of young people, safe life of the individual. Articles of practical psychologists of educational institutions are posted.

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    19 publications

  • Quarterly scientific journal "Pedagogical science and Education"

    The journal has been published by the scientific and methodological institution "National Institute of Education" of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus since 2012. In it you will find articles on the psychology of education, the organization of independent cognitive activity of students, the methodology of educational development, socialization and personal education as well as on the inclusive education.

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    10 publications

  • Scientific and practical journal "Pedagogical Art"

    The journal has been published since 2017. Its target audience is researchers, teachers, teachers of higher education, educators. The issues present the results of research in the field of education and upbringing, articles that consider technologies and concepts of teaching at school and higher school, organization of events in the field of sports, organization of children's sports sections, etc.

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    13 publications