
Date of placement
  • Date of placement
  • Rating
  • Number of publications
  • Scientific and pedagogical journal "Higher education in Russia"

    The monthly all-Russian journal publishes the results of fundamental, exploratory and applied research on the development of higher education. The target audience of the journal includes researchers and practitioners of higher and additional professional education. In the issues you will find theoretical articles, conference materials, round tables, scientific reviews.

    • 6

    66 publications

  • The education system in the Jewish Autonomous Region

    The reports of the Education Committee of the Jewish Autonomous Region are presented, which consider the state of the education system in the region, namely the development of preschool, primary, secondary vocational, additional education. The collection also contains materials on the education of children with disabilities. 

    • 1

    6 publications

  • Education system in the Ivanovo Region

    The public reports of the Department of Education of the Ivanovo Region identify the directions of development of the regional education system. Among the documents you can find methodological recommendations for the prevention of juvenile delinquency in distance learning addressed to teachers.

    • 10

    5 publications

  • The problem of distance learning during the COVID-19 pandemic

    The collection's materials are devoted to the problem of transferring the educational process to a remote format during the coronavirus pandemic. The publications consider the practice of switching to distance learning, its impact on general education. The empirical basis of the research was the results of social surveys.

    • 15

    8 publications

  • Statistical publications on education in the Republic of Moldova

    The materials are published by the National Bureau of Statistics of the Republic of Moldova. The publications contain information about institutions of general secondary, secondary vocational, and higher education. The data are presented in particular by region.

    • 9

    6 publications

  • Materials prepared within the framework of the All-Russian educational project "My country – my Russia"

    The collection contains pedagogical and managerial practices of participants of the All–Russian educational project "My Country – my Russia" as well as a methodological case for teachers and management specialists based on the study of the results of the All-Russian competition of youth author projects and projects in the field of education directed at the socio-economic development of Russian territories. The goal of the project "My Country – my Russia" is to promote the development of social elevators, support projects and initiatives that create opportunities for personal and professional self–realization of young citizens in various fields of activity.

    • 18

    4 publications