Salikov Andrey

Salikov Andrey


Associate Professor, Candidate of Cultural Studies, expert in the field of socio-cultural creativity of youth


Andrey Salikov holds the position of professor at the Department of Youth Policy and Socio-Cultural Communications of the state educational institution "National Institute for Higher Education".

In 2010 he defended the PhD thesis on the topic "Belarusian national culture in the context of globalization: preservation of identity and development (theoretical and cultural aspect)".

Andrey Salikov teaches the following disciplines: "Fundamentals of state youth policy"; "Fundamentals of the ideology of the Belarusian state"; "Comparative Cultural Studies"; "Culture of professional activity"; "Applied Cultural Studies"; "Career development of a young specialist".

Scientific interests: theory and practice of youth policy implementation, issues of youth work, international youth cooperation, professional culture of a youth specialist, creative self-realization of youth and innovative design, financial literacy of youth.



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