Morale building

Date of placement
  • Date of placement
  • Rating
  • Number of publications
  • Magazine "Smena": retro collection

    "Smena" is a Soviet, then Russian illustrated literary and artistic magazine, founded in 1924 by the decision of the Central Committee of the RKSM as a "two-week magazine for working youth". It was a mass youth magazine of the Soviet Union.

    • 6

    436 publications

  • Magazine "Pioneer": retro collection

    The magazine "Pioneer" was published by the Central Committee of the Komsomol and the Central Council of the All-Union Pioneer Organization named after V.I. Lenin. It has been published since 1924. From 1925 to 1935 it was published once every two weeks, then monthly.

    • 7

    373 publications

  • Komsomol movement: retro collection

    In the collection you will find archival materials (books, pamphlets, essays) published in the 1920s-1950s of the XX century and dedicated to the formation of the Komsomol movement (14-28 years old). The publications describe the history of the Komsomol, CYI, and describe the regional experience of organizing Komsomol structures.

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    32 publications

  • Pedagogical game techniques and game libraries

    The collection includes both materials dedicated to art and pedagogical game techniques as well as the game libraries of two pedagogical detachments of RTU MIREA – "Atmosphere" and "Apriori".

    • 48

    4 publications

  • Upbringing and socialization of children and youth in the publications of the Institute for the Study of Childhood, Family and Education of the Russian Academy of Education

    The Institute for the Study of Childhood, Family and Education of the Russian Academy of Education is a scientific institution that determines strategic priorities for the development of education in the country. The materials cover the problem of the development of social activity of children and youth, the theory and practice of their psychological and pedagogical support and assistance in education, the educational potential of the family, and other topics.

    • 30

    11 publications

  • Pioneer movement in the Republic of Belarus

    The collection is based on the materials of the Belarusian Republican Pioneer Organization (BRPO), one of the largest children's associations in the country. You can get acquainted with the methodological recommendations on the organization of the activities of pioneer detachments, regulations on various competitions, projects, actions, and games. In addition, the collection includes the publication of the state institution of additional education "Polotsk District Center for Children and Youth" on the topic of pioneer management.

    • 31

    30 publications