April 15 – the World Day of Culture


In 1935, on this day, the international treaty "On the protection of artistic and scientific institutions and historical monuments" was adopted. In international legal practice it is better known as the Roerich Pact. In 1998 the International League for the Protection of Culture took the initiative to mark the date of the signing of the Pact as the World Day of Culture. Public organizations from different countries have taken up this initiative, and nowadays the day is celebrated in many countries of the world.

Culture plays a very important role for the development of young people. In this regard state support for the cultural sphere is very important.

You can compare the approaches of different countries to cultural support by reading the publications of the collection "Regulatory legal acts on culture in the CIS" on our website.

The collection contains legislative acts on culture / cultural activities (laws, codes, concepts, etc.).

The model legislation of the CIS Interparliamentary Assembly is also presented.

Collection on the website.