April 24 – the International Youth Solidarity Day


In 1957 the World Federation of Democratic Youth (WFDY), which organizes the World Festival of Youth and Students, proposed to celebrate the "International Day of Youth Solidarity in the Fight against Colonialism, for Peaceful Coexistence."

On April 24, 1955 the final meeting of the Bandung Conference of Asian and African Countries was held. It enshrined 10 principles of peaceful coexistence and international relations. It was the date of the meeting that was chosen to establish the holiday.

The World Federation of Democratic Youth is an international association of youth organizations. There is a publication in our library dedicated to the 65th anniversary of the WFDY. The document contains many photographs related to the activities of the movement. The main goal of the organization is to develop the interaction of young people around the world in the field of political, economic, social, cultural and civic cooperation.

Today, the International Youth Solidarity Day promotes the unification of youth, solving problems in various spheres of their lives.

The Commonwealth of Independent States also has its own national youth holidays. You can read about the Youth Days in the CIS in a special publication of our library.