June 24 – the International Counselor’s Day


We congratulate all the counselors on their professional holiday!

The position of a squad leader was first introduced on June 24, 1927 at the All-Union Pioneer camp "Artek". It was decided to establish the holiday itself recently – in the summer of 2012 during the International Festival of Children's Centers.

Within the framework of the "Bookshelf" rubric, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the methodological manual "The Game "RUL: Resources of Successful Personality". This publication has been issued by the All-Russian Children's Center "Ocean", with which our library began cooperation this year.

The story game is an educational product of a large team of teachers and counselors of the All-Russian Children's Center "Ocean".

The game helps teenagers gain knowledge about human personal resources and the role of their development for social success in an era of uncertainty and multitasking.

The game will be useful both for teenagers aged 12-17 and for an adult audience. It was tested in children's thematic shifts at the Center "Ocean". From 54 to 180 people can play the game at the same time.

In the book you will find:

- description of the mechanics of the game,

- scenarios of game stations,

- handouts for organizing the logistics of game teams and preparing cases for game situations.

Read the manual here