June 29 – the Youth Day of Russia


Congratulations to our subscribers on the holiday!

Today we want to introduce you to a new category #LibraryIYC. It will be published in our Telegram channel together with the Portal on International youth cooperation intermol.su (channel on Telegram). In it we will talk about books and methodological manuals for specialists in the field of SYP developing international youth cooperation.

And today we present to you the collection "30 years of the state youth policy of the Russian Federation", including the chapter "International cooperation of the Russian Federation in the field of youth policy". It was developed by the Institute of Youth Policy and International Relations of RTU MIREA.

The chapter is divided into several sections. They cover topics such as:

- The legal basis of international cooperation of the Russian Federation in the field of youth policy

- Key actors and target groups of international cooperation of the Russian Federation in the field of youth policy

- Directions and mechanisms for the implementation of international cooperation of the Russian Federation in the field of youth policy

- The last section highlights the participation of Russian youth and youth associations in international structures, multilateral and bilateral international youth cooperation, and the development of cooperation with young compatriots living abroad.