March 8 – the International Women's Day


The holiday is celebrated by the United Nations annually. In all the CIS countries March 8 is a holiday and a day off.

It acquired the official status of "International Women's Day" by decision of the UN in 1975. Since then it has been celebrated as the International Day of Struggle for Women's Rights and International Peace.

In the CIS space the holiday is called in different ways. Azerbaijan celebrates Women's Day, Armenia – Women's Holiday, Belarus and Uzbekistan – Women's Day, Tajikistan – Mother's Day. The rest of the Commonwealth states celebrate International Women's Day.

On this day we would like to present to you collections that reveal the position of women, in particular young women, in the CIS. They include documents published by national statistical agencies as well as the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF):

Women and men in the CIS: statistical compilations

Multiple Indicator Cluster Surveys (MICS) in the CIS Member States