Digest № 14: statistical publications from the Republic of Belarus and the Republic of Kazakhstan


The collection includes new documents from various statistical organizations in Belarus. The Kazakh collections are published by the Department of the Bureau of National Statistics of the Agency for Strategic Planning and Reforms of the Republic of Kazakhstan for the city of Shymkent.

1)      Belarus in figures: statistical handbook (2023)

2)      Demographic yearbook of Shymkent City: statistical collection (2021)

3)      Demographic yearbook of Shymkent City: statistical collection (2022)

4)      Demographic yearbook of Shymkent City: statistical collection (2015–2019)

5)      Demographic yearbook of Shymkent City: statistical collection (2014–2018)

6)      Employment in Shymkent: statistical collection (2014–2018)

7)      Employment in Shymkent: statistical collection (2015–2019)

8)      Employment in Shymkent: statistical collection (2016–2020)

9)      Employment in Shymkent: statistical collection (2017–2021)

10)  Information society in the Republic of Belarus: statistical collection (2023)

11)  Services and culture in Shymkent: statistical collection (2014–2018)

12)  Services and culture in Shymkent: statistical collection (2015–2019)

13)  Services provided and cultural institutions in Shymkent: statistical collection (2021)

14)  Social situation and living standards of the population of the Republic of Belarus: statistical collection (2023)

15)  Statistical review for the Belarusian Science Day (the Republic of Belarus, 2023)

16)  Statistical review for the Day of Cultural Workers (the Republic of Belarus, 2023)

17)  Statistical review for the Day of Culture (Minsk, 2023)

18)  Statistical review for the Day of Knowledge (the Republic of Belarus, 2023)

19)  Statistical review for the International Children's Day (the Republic of Belarus, 2023)

20)  Statistical review for the Labour Day (the Republic of Belarus, 2023)

21)  Statistical review for the Teachers' Day (the Republic of Belarus, 2023)

22)  Statistical review for the World Health Day (the Republic of Belarus, 2023)

23)  Statistical review for the World Tourism Day (the Republic of Belarus, 2022)

24)  Statistical review for the World Tourism Day (the Republic of Belarus, 2023)

25)  Tourism and tourism resources in the Republic of Belarus: statistical booklet (2023)

26)  Women and men of Shymkent: statistical collection (2015–2019)

27)  Women and men of Shymkent: statistical collection (2016–2020)

28)  Women and men of Shymkent: statistical collection (2017–2021)