Digest № 19: results of sociological research


The collection of new additions to the library fund includes publications based on the results of sociological research of young people. 

The materials of our partner, the Center for Sociological Research "14-35" (SUM), as well as the Russian Public Opinion Research Center (RPORC) are presented.

The list:

1) "Difficult questions" student youth 17–25 years old: key problem areas during March 2022

2) "I don't do sports. Sport is not my thing": All-Russian online survey "Student Sport: Opportunities and Prospects"

3) Adaptation of foreign students: results of a sociological study

4) Adolescent self-esteem index

5) All-Russian online survey "Student Sport: Opportunities and Prospects": Amateur athletes' opinion

6) Career navigation of youth: public opinion

7) Dream job image. Demands and expectations of graduates from entering the labour market: results of research sessions

8) Final report of the complex sociological research "University - a place for realising the potential of young people. School-university-work ecosystem"

9) Higher education in the eyes of parents of high school students

10) Higher education: demands and expectations of high school students

11) Inclusive practices in the mirror of sociology

12) Opinion of professionals. Professional athletes, student sports leagues, clubs: All-Russian online survey "Student Sports: Opportunities and Prospects"

13) Quality of education. Student assessment

14) Report on the situation of youth in the Russian Federation for 2021-2022: presentation of the main theses

15) School and further education: knowledge, skills and competencies

16) Schoolchildren's choice: survey of participants of the exhibition "Entry Navigator"

17) Scientific volunteering and the development of citizen science: results of a sociological survey

18) Social phenomena among young people: vapes, thrash-streams, bulling, anime (2023, result)

19) Social phenomena among young people: vaping, trash streams, bullying, anime

20) Socio-demographic portrait of respondents who do not consider ourselves as patriots and negative (protest) tuned to celebration of the Victory Day: all-Russian results online student survey of youth

21) Sociological research: "Patriotism. Youth. Future"

22) Sociology of work and learning

23) Student self-governance in higher education institutions. Features and points of growth: results of the comprehensive sociological study

24) Support measures for families with children

25) The competition "Your Move": points of growth and demands of youth communities

26) The image of high school, college in the perceptions of high school students, parents and teachers

27) The portrait of modern youth and peculiarities of intergenerational communication

28) The role of messengers in school communication: results of the All-Russian survey of teachers, parents and schoolchildren

29) The Victory Day through the eyes of youth: All-Russian results online student survey of youth

30) What's today's holiday?! Online survey

31) Working youth: report on the results of the online survey of participants of the 10th Working Youth Forum

32) Your opinion is important: providing psychological support to students (results of the All-Russian online survey of students)

33) Youth and society: sociological dimension

34) Youth policy & education: results of the All-Russian online survey of experts

35) Youth tourism. Plans for the summer: results of the All-Russian online survey of young people aged 14-35 years old