Digest № 22: documents of All-Russian Children's Center "Ocean" and the National Center for Information Counteraction to Terrorism and Extremism in the Educational Environment and the Internet


This week methodological materials of All-Russian Children's Center "Ocean" have been added to the library. There are also overviews of the National Center for Information Counteraction to Terrorism and Extremism in the Educational Environment and the Internet.

Information-analytical materials:

1)      Overview of the National Center for Information Counteraction to Terrorism and Extremism in the Educational Environment and the Internet № 4 (35)

2)      Overview of the National Center for Information Counteraction to Terrorism and Extremism in the Educational Environment and the Internet № 3 (34)

3)      Overview of the National Center for Information Counteraction to Terrorism and Extremism in the Educational Environment and the Internet № 1 (36)

Methodological materials:

4)      Programme "Interesting together: fundamentals of volunteer activities for camp counsellors"

5)      Methodological materials for the programme of professional training of the All-Russian Children's Center "Ocean" counselors: "Clip cheat sheets for counsellors"

6)      Ocean scenarios "Edge-XI": to help organizers of children's and youth leisure activities

7)      Patriotic practices: collection of scenarios

8)      Modern forms of detachment activities. Collection of scenarios

9)      Standard of psychological and pedagogical support in a children's educational centre: methodological manual

10)  Introducing children to the song culture of "Oceana"

11)  Methodology of working with developmental navigators for the participants of the All-Russian Children's Center "Ocean" educational programmes

12)  Ocean practices in educational events: methodological manual

13)  MINDs for the country. Integration of general and additional education: experience of creating a metadisciplinary educational environment

14)  Designing thematic additional general education programmes of the new generation: educational and methodological manual

15)  Developmental diagnostics in the process of individualisation of support for the participants of the All-Russian Children's Center "Ocean" programmes

16)  Methodological locution of a counselor at the All-Russian Children's Centre "Ocean". Life treasures of a "difficult child"

17)  Personalised system of post-training support for the development of emotional intelligence of a teacher "Joy at work"

18)  The game "RUL: Resources of Successful Personality"

19)  Vocational self-determination of high school students in the conditions of the All-Russian Children's Centre "Ocean": methodological manual

20)  Project in 10 steps: a navigator for organizing project activities for adolescents

21)  Developing emotional intelligence in adults and children: methodological manual

22)  Blue and white striped heart. Ocean practice: "Ocean Squadron". Methodological collection

23)  Territory of creativity: methodological manual for the implementation of an additional general education programme in a children's camp