Expert community: Mitrofanova Svetlana, Associate Professor, Candidate of Sociological Sciences


Today we introduce you to an expert in the field of sociology of childhood. Svetlana Mitrofanova has been developing the ideas of the social status of childhood, the application of a life-style approach in the study of adolescents, child poverty, the examination of social programs in the social sphere.

Svetlana Yurievna is a researcher at the Department of Sociology and Cultural Studies and the Department of Sociology of Political and Regional Processes at the Samara National Research University named after Academician S.P. Korolev.

In 2004 she defended the PhD thesis on the topic "The social status of childhood: a life-style approach".

She holds a diploma of the laureate of the International competition "The best scientific book in the humanitarian field – 2015" for his work "Habitus of adulthood in the space of childhood".

You can find the publications of Svetlana Mitrofanova on the expert's page.