December 1 – the World AIDS Day 


A selection of information-analytical and statistical documents dedicated to the prevention and control of HIV/AIDS. 

This international UN Day was first introduced in 1988 to raise awareness about the problem of the spread of HIV infection. It is approved as a day of remembrance for the victims of this disease.

Each year the World AIDS Day has a specific topic. This year it's "Equalize" – increasing the availability and quality of HIV prevention services for everybody. 

In the CIS the situation with HIV/AIDS is reflected in the collections published by national statistical services and dedicated to health care. They contain information about the number of patients.

1) Healthcare, social protection and housing conditions in Azerbaijan: statistical yearbook (2021)

2) Healthcare in Russia: statistical compilation (2017)

3) Healthcare in Russia: statistical compilation (2019)

4) Healthcare in Russia: statistical compilation (2021)

5) Healthcare in the Republic of Tajikistan: statistical compilation (2016)

6) Healthcare in the Republic of Tajikistan: statistical compilation (2018)

7) Healthcare in the Republic of Tajikistan: statistical compilation (2019)

The World Assembly of Youth, the international coordinating body of national youth councils and national youth organizations, pays special attention to this topic. In the annual reports of the international organization one can find press releases in which the Assembly expresses its support for this thematic day and emphasizes the importance of combating HIV/AIDS.

8) Annual report of the World Assembly of Youth (2015)

9) Annual report of the World Assembly of Youth (2016)

10) Annual report of the World Assembly of Youth (2017)

11) Annual report of the World Assembly of Youth (2018)

The organization also holds events dedicated to the fight against HIV infection. For example, the General Assembly held in 2005 in Namibia was dedicated to the prevention of HIV/AIDS. On the example of this event you can acknowledge how this issue is covered among youth organizations.

12) XIV General assembly "Youth rise to meet the HIV/AIDS challenge!": report