August 12 is International Youth Day 


This year's topic is "Intergenerational Solidarity: Creating a World for All Ages". We have decided to cover it in cooperation with our partner – Scientific Research Centre "Youth" based in the Republic of Kazakhstan. 

Source: Yakub Kolas Central Scientific Library of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus
Source: Yakub Kolas Central Scientific Library of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus

International Youth Day was established on December 17, 1999 by the UN General Assembly. The holiday appeared at the suggestion of the World Conference of Ministers for Youth Affairs held in Lisbon on August 8-12, 1998. Every year it is dedicated to a different topic. This year the UN draws attention to the problem of ageism which manifests itself in different areas of life.

With the help of documents of the Scientific Research Centre "Youth" you can get acquainted with the problem of ageism in Kazakhstan.

"Youth of Kazakhstan": an analytical report based on results of a sociological study

The section "Risk of discrimination among youth" outlines types of discrimination young people face. Among the most common reasons for discrimination are lack of knowledge of the Kazakh language, level of education and ethnicity. One of the forms of discrimination is ageism.

"Problems and needs of main youth strata": an analytical report based on results of a sociological study

Based on results of a sociological study recommendations are given to counter hidden age discrimination when applying for a job. To develop youth labour market it is proposed to introduce orientation programs at the entrance to the workspace, mentoring in the first year of work, soften requirements for young candidates and create opportunities for professional development for working youth.

National report "Youth of Kazakhstan - 2021: 30 years of Independence"

One of the key methods of combating age discrimination is the expansion of contacts between generations. This problem is relevant in the context of the emergence of the so-called "Generation of Independence".

Training program for professional and life skills (training in mentoring support, skills that facilitate employment, opportunities for the realization of intellectual, sports and creative potential)

The publication deals with the NEET generation – young people who due to various circumstances do not work, do not study and do not undergo vocational training. Strategies for engaging NEET youth are listed.

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