Digest № 38: scientific journals about pedagogy


The library received issues of the scientific and methodological journal "Bulletin of the Academy of Children's and Youth Tourism and Local History" and the Vestnik "Pedagogy and Psychology". Publications for several years are presented.

"Bulletin of the Academy of Children's and Youth Tourism and Local History" includes articles on topical issues of pedagogy of youth tourism, local history, ecology and life safety.

"Pedagogy and Psychology" is published by the Moscow State University for Humanities named after M.A. Sholokhov. The bulletin is devoted to the methodology, theory and history of pedagogy and psychology, techniques and methods of scientific research.

1)      Scientific and methodological journal "Bulletin of the Academy of Youth Tourism and Local History". – 2017. – № 1

2)      Scientific and methodological journal "Bulletin of the Academy of Youth Tourism and Local History". – 2017. – № 2

3)      Scientific and methodological journal "Bulletin of the Academy of Youth Tourism and Local History". – 2017. – № 3

4)      Scientific and methodological journal "Bulletin of the Academy of Youth Tourism and Local History". – 2017. – № 4

5)      Scientific and methodological journal "Bulletin of the Academy of Youth Tourism and Local History". – 2018. – № 1

6)      Scientific and methodological journal "Bulletin of the Academy of Youth Tourism and Local History". – 2018. – № 2

7)      Scientific and methodological journal "Bulletin of the Academy of Youth Tourism and Local History". – 2018. – № 3

8)      Scientific and methodological journal "Bulletin of the Academy of Youth Tourism and Local History". – 2018. – № 4

9)      Scientific and methodological journal "Bulletin of the Academy of Youth Tourism and Local History". – 2020. – № 1

10)   Scientific and methodological journal "Bulletin of the Academy of Youth Tourism and Local History". – 2020. – № 2

11)   Scientific and methodological journal "Bulletin of the Academy of Youth Tourism and Local History". – 2021. – № 1

12)   Scientific and methodological journal "Bulletin of the Academy of Youth Tourism and Local History". – 2021. – № 2

13)   Scientific and methodological journal "Bulletin of the Academy of Youth Tourism and Local History". – 2022. – № 1

14)   Scientific and methodological journal "Bulletin of the Academy of Youth Tourism and Local History". – 2022. – № 2

15)   Scientific and methodological journal "Bulletin of the Academy of Youth Tourism and Local History". – 2023. – № 1

16)   Vestnik "Pedagogy and Psychology". – 2012. – № 1

17)   Vestnik "Pedagogy and Psychology". – 2012. – № 2

18)   Vestnik "Pedagogy and Psychology". – 2012. – № 3 (1)

19)   Vestnik "Pedagogy and Psychology". – 2012. – № 3 (2)

20)   Vestnik "Pedagogy and Psychology". – 2012. – № 4

21)   Vestnik "Pedagogy and Psychology". – 2013. – № 1

22)   Vestnik "Pedagogy and Psychology". – 2013. – № 2

23)   Vestnik "Pedagogy and Psychology". – 2013. – № 3

24)   Vestnik "Pedagogy and Psychology". – 2013. – № 4

25)   Vestnik "Pedagogy and Psychology". – 2014. – № 1

26)   Vestnik "Pedagogy and Psychology". – 2014. – № 2

27)   Vestnik "Pedagogy and Psychology". – 2014. – № 3

28)   Vestnik "Pedagogy and Psychology". – 2014. – № 4

29)   Vestnik "Pedagogy and Psychology". – 2015. – № 1

30)   Vestnik "Pedagogy and Psychology". – 2015. – № 2