Participation in the CIS International Scientific and Practical Conference "The role of youth policy and educational activities in the formation of ideological and value meanings and guidelines for the modern young generation"


The conference opened today, September 28, in Moscow. Its purpose is to present and summarize the results of scientific research on the value orientations of youth of the CIS Member States. The participants of the conference were representatives of youth public organizations of the CIS Member States, employees of educational institutions of higher education responsible for educational work as well as researchers of youth policy from the CIS countries.

The event was organized by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation and MIREA – Russian Technological University, which performs the functions of the basic organization of the CIS Member States for working with youth, with the support of the CIS Executive Committee.

Within the framework of the conference the head of the e-library "Youth of the CIS" (the Institute of Youth Policy and International Relations of RTU MIREA) Artem Turenko made an introductory report on the value orientations and life orientations of youth of the Commonwealth. As sources of information for assessing values he used data from national reports on the situation of youth in the CIS countries, which you can find in the library.