Digest № 40: journals, collections of scientific articles and materials of scientific and practical conferences


The main part of the digest consists of issues of the monthly scientific-practical and informational-methodological journal "Vestnik of Education" and collections of scientific articles on the topic of education and sociology.

Additionally, collections of conference materials on the implementation of youth policy and methodological materials on the organization of youth work in the Republic of Belarus are presented.

Also in the collection there is the national report "On the situation of youth in the Republic of Belarus in 2022".

Information-analytical materials:

1)      Monthly scientific-practical and informational-methodological journal "Vestnik of Education". – 2022. – № 3

2)      Monthly scientific-practical and informational-methodological journal "Vestnik of Education". – 2022. – № 4

3)      Monthly scientific-practical and informational-methodological journal "Vestnik of Education". – 2022. – № 5

4)      Monthly scientific-practical and informational-methodological journal "Vestnik of Education". – 2022. – № 6

5)      Monthly scientific-practical and informational-methodological journal "Vestnik of Education". – 2022. – № 7

6)      Monthly scientific-practical and informational-methodological journal "Vestnik of Education". – 2022. – № 8

7)      Monthly scientific-practical and informational-methodological journal "Vestnik of Education". – 2022. – № 9

8)      Monthly scientific-practical and informational-methodological journal "Vestnik of Education". – 2022. – № 10

9)      Monthly scientific-practical and informational-methodological journal "Vestnik of Education". – 2022. – № 11

10)   Monthly scientific-practical and informational-methodological journal "Vestnik of Education". – 2022. – № 12

11)   Monthly scientific-practical and informational-methodological journal "Vestnik of Education". – 2023. – № 1

12)   Monthly scientific-practical and informational-methodological journal "Vestnik of Education". – 2023. – № 2

13)   Monthly scientific-practical and informational-methodological journal "Vestnik of Education". – 2023. – № 3

14)   Monthly scientific-practical and informational-methodological journal "Vestnik of Education". – 2023. – № 4

15)   Monthly scientific-practical and informational-methodological journal "Vestnik of Education". – 2023. – № 5

16)   Monthly scientific-practical and informational-methodological journal "Vestnik of Education". – 2023. – № 6

17)   Monthly scientific-practical and informational-methodological journal "Vestnik of Education". – 2023. – № 7

18)   Monthly scientific-practical and informational-methodological journal "Vestnik of Education". – 2023. – № 8

19)   Collection of scientific articles "Psychological support of the educational process". – 2019. – № 9 (part 1)

20)   Collection of scientific articles "Psychological support of the educational process". – 2019. – № 9 (part 2)

21)   Collection of scientific articles "Psychological support of the educational process". – 2021. – № 11

22)   Collection of scientific articles "Psychological support of the educational process". – 2022. – № 12

23)   Collection of scientific articles "Psychological support of the educational process". – 2023. – № 13

24)   Collection of articles "Sociology in the modern world: science, education, creativity". – 2020. – № 12

25)   Collection of articles "Sociology in the modern world: science, education, creativity". – 2021. – № 13

26)   On the situation of youth in the Republic of Belarus in 2022: national report

27)   Collection of materials of the II International Scientific and Practical Conference of Students "Youth of the 21st Century" of April 23, 2020

28)   The Youth of the 21st Century: Education, Science, Innovations. Proceedings of VI International Conference for Students, Postgraduatesand Young Scientists

29)   Materials of the correspondence scientific and practical conference (September – November 2019) "Youth policy of the Republic of Belarus: strategic approaches and solutions"

Methodological materials:

30)   Organization of youth work: instructional and methodological materials