Digest № 44: model laws of the CIS and scientific journals


Over the past week model laws adopted by the Interparliamentary Assembly of the CIS Member States have been added to the library.

In addition, Russian journals on education, sociological sciences and social practice have been posted on the portal.

Legal and regulatory materials:

1)      Model Labour Code for the CIS Member States

2)      Model Law "On access to environmental information" (new edition)

3)      Model Law "On Adult Education (new edition)"

4)      Model Law "On Cross-Border Education"

5)      Model Law "On distant learning in the CIS Member States"

6)      Model Law "On Ecotourism"

7)      Model Law "On Educational Activities" (new edition)

8)      Model Law "On Entrepreneurship"

9)      Model Law "On environmental education and environmental culture of the population"

10)    Model Law "On Environmental Safety" (new edition)

11)    Model Environmental Code for the CIS Member States (General Part)

12)   Model Law "On equal access to prevention, diagnosis and treatment of HIV infection in the CIS Member States"

13)   Model Law "On preschool education" (new edition)

14)   Model law "On School Sports"

15)  Model Law "On Sports Training"

16)   Model Law "On scientific and technical information" (new edition)

17)   Model Law "On scientific and scientific-technical activities"

18)   Model Law "On the Assessment of Environmental Damage"

19)   Model Law "On the use of information and communication technologies in education system"

20)   Model Law "On Paralympic Sports"

21)   Model Law "On Professional Sports"

Information-analytical materials:

22)      Scientific and educational journal "Sociological science and social practice". – 2023. – № 1

23)      Scientific and educational journal "Sociological science and social practice". – 2023. – № 2

24)      Scientific and methodological journal "Education in the Oryol Region". – 2019. – № 1

25)      Scientific and methodological journal "Education in the Oryol Region". – 2020. – № 2

26)      Scientific and methodological journal "Education in the Oryol Region". – 2021. – № 3

27)      Scientific and methodological journal "Education in the Oryol Region". – 2022. – № 4

28)      Scientific and methodological journal "Education in the Oryol Region". – 2023. – № 5

29)      Scientific and methodological journal "Educational Panorama". – 2022. – № 2

30)      Scientific and methodological journal "Educational Panorama". – 2023. – № 1