The World Youth Day – November 10


Congratulations to our subscribers on the World Youth Day! This holiday is aimed at uniting youth organizations in the struggle for democracy, peace and youth rights.

Photo source: soL International
Photo source: soL International

It appeared in connection with the founding of the World Federation of Democratic Youth (WFDY) in 1945. The organization was created at the World Youth Conference in London.

Since 1947  the Federation has been organizing the World Festival of Youth and Students, the last of which was held in October 2017 in the Russian Federation (in Moscow and Sochi).

Two documents presented in our library will help you learn more about this organization and its activities:

WFDY, 65 years struggling against imperialism

19th World Festival of Youth and Students

We also invite you to read the library’s publication "Youth Days in the CIS countries", in which one of the sections is dedicated to International Youth Days.