November 17 – the International Students’ Day


The holiday was established in 1941 in London at an international meeting of students of countries that fought against National Socialism. It was introduced in memory of the Czech student heroes of the Resistance.

Studentship is a wonderful time when talents are revealed and opportunities for development appear, which determines the professional path of young people for years to come.

The electronic scientific journal "Organization of youth work" may be useful for students – future youth workers.

Many of the articles presented in the issues have been prepared by students. The scientific journal is published by Tomsk State University of Control Systems and Radioelectronics. The issue publishes reviews, articles, educational materials on philosophical, pedagogical, technical, sociological, psychological, philological, historical, political, economic and legal sciences.

One of the options for expanding the student's professional competencies is to participate in the activities of students’ teams. Today the student brigades’ movement is actively developing in the CIS, preserving the traditions of the Soviet years. We invite you to read the material on this topic, which has been previously released by our library.

Student brigades’ movement in the Commonwealth of Independent States: an information and analytical report.