Digest № 47: CIS legislation and WFDY publications


Among the library's new documents are legal and regulatory materials (model laws, advisory legislative acts of the Interparliamentary Assembly of the CIS, Russian legislation).

A number of documents are devoted to the activities of the World Federation of Democratic Youth (WFDY).

The library also received the publication of the Institute of Youth Policy and International Relations of RTU MIREA on Russian-German youth exchanges in the field of mass sports (2020).

Legal and regulatory materials

1)      Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of November 2, 2023 № 827 "On the creation of an autonomous non-profit organization "National Center of Historical Memory under the President of the Russian Federation"

2)      Strategy for the development of physical culture and sports in the Russian Federation for the period until 2030

3)      Model Law "On labour migration"

4)      Model Law "On migration"

5)      Model Law "On social tourism"

6)      Model Migration Code for the CIS Member States

7)      Recommendatory legislative act "On the principles of environmental safety"

8)      Recommendatory legislative act "On environmental education of the population"

Methodological materials

9)      Russian-German youth exchanges in the field of mass sports

Information-analytical materials

10)   General Council of the World Federation of Democratic Youth: Declaration on the crises, reactionary upsurge and risks and potentials of the current situation

11)   General Council of the World Federation of Democratic Youth: Political Resolution

12)   Political Declaration of the 20th Assembly of WFDY