Digest № 4: publications of the Research Center "Youth" (the Republic of Kazakhstan)


This week the library has received publications from the Research Center "Youth". This organization is engaged in research in the field of youth policy and youth work. The center is a partner of our library.

The selection includes both methodological and information-analytical materials.

Information-analytical materials:

1)      Analytical report on the results of the sociological study "Youth of Kazakhstan"

2)      Assessment of the impact of products and goods on the psychological health and development of children

3)      Collection of the best practices for Youth Resource Centres (2021)

4)      Collection of the best practices for Youth Resource Centres (2022)

5)      Comprehensive sociological study of the youth situation in Astana

6)      Determining the level of marginalization and involvement in subcultures of youth in Almaty

7)      Features of educational and labour migration of youth in border Regions

8)      Main aspects of the "Rukhani Zhangyru" program

9)      Materials of the republican scientific and practical conference on current issues of youth with the participation of foreign experts "Professions of the future: what should generations Y, Z prepare for?"

10)  Program "Quality mark for Jastar Belgisi Youth Centres"

11)  Review of international experience in implementing state youth policy

12)  Social adaptation of young families in Kazakhstan

13)  Social wellbeing and current problems of rural youth of Kazakhstan

14)  State of state youth policy: needs and social practices (2017)

15)  Study of Kazakhstani values ​​in the field of spiritual and moral education of youth (2017)

16)  Study of the socio-political situation among young people (3rd quarter of 2016)

17)  Study of the socio-political situation among young people (2th quarter of 2016)

18)  Study of the socio-political situation among young people (first half of the year)

19)  Study of the socio-political situation among young people (first half of 2018)

20)  Study of the socio-political situation among young people (second half of 2018)

21)  Study of youth subcultures on labour and socio-economic adaptation as well as forecasting the professions of the future

22)  Youth in the labour market: demand, opportunities and prospects

Methodological materials:

23)  Features of the formation of Kazakhstani values: textbook

24)   Methodical manual "25 life situations"

25)  Methodical manual "Development of national sports and folk games"

26)  Methodological manual for explaining the Address of President N. Nazarbayev to the people of Kazakhstan "Five social initiatives of the President"

27)  Methodological manual for explaining the patriotic act "Məngilik El"

28)   Methodological materials for explaining regulatory and program documents in the field of state youth policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan

29)  Methodological recommendations for assistance in youth employment

30)  Methodological recommendations for organizing the work of youth resource centers and assessing their effectiveness