October 5 – World Teachers' Day


A selection of documents on education in the countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States on the occasion of the celebratory date. 

Source: ru.freepik.com
Source: ru.freepik.com

The holiday appeared in connection with the adoption of the Recommendation concerning the Status of Teachers on October 5, 1966 at a conference of UNESCO and the International Labour Organization.

The Recommendation became a fundamental international document that defined the working conditions of teachers.

Over 100 countries celebrate the World Teachers' Day. Sometimes the separate national Teacher's Day is commemorated. In CIS countries such as Azerbaijan, Armenia and Russia the Teacher's Day is celebrated on October 5, together with World Teachers' Day.

In Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, and Tajikistan it is celebrated on the first Sunday of October, in Uzbekistan – on October 1, in Moldova – on March 7.

On the occasion of the Teachers' Day we present to you a selection of statistical collections and bulletins characterizing the development of the education system in the CIS countries:

The Republic of Azerbaijan

Education, science and culture in Azerbaijan: statistical yearbook (2021)

The Republic of Armenia

Statistical yearbook of Armenia: education and culture (2021)

The Republic of Belarus

Education in the Republic of Belarus (2019/2020 academic year): statistical bulletin

The Republic of Kazakhstan

Education in the Republic of Kazakhstan: statistical compilation (2016-2020)

The Kyrgyz Republic

Education and science in the Kyrgyz Republic: statistical compilation (2018)

The Republic of Moldova

Education in the Republic of Moldova: statistical publication (2020/2021)

The Republic of Tajikistan

Education in the Republic of Tajikistan: statistical compilation (2017)