March 8 – International Women's Day


The holiday is celebrated by the United Nations annually. In all the CIS countries March 8 is a holiday and a day off.

Source: Yandex.Zen
Source: Yandex.Zen

It acquired the official status of "International Women's Day" by decision of the UN in 1975. Since then it has been celebrated as the International Day of Struggle for Women's Rights and International Peace. Each year is dedicated to a specific topic: in 2023 it is "DigitALL: Innovation and technology for gender equality".

In the CIS space the holiday is called in different ways. Azerbaijan celebrates Women's Day, Armenia – Women's Holiday, Belarus and Uzbekistan – Women's Day, Tajikistan – Mother's Day. The rest of the Commonwealth states celebrate International Women's Day.

In our library you can find publications on the rights and status of women:

1) MICS Follow-up Survey on COVID-19 impact on children and women: statistical snapshots (2021)

2) Legal status and social adaptation of young women released from places of deprivation of liberty: monograph

3) Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey to assess the situation of children and women in the Republic of Belarus. Final report

4) Analysis of Situation of Children’s and Women’s Rights in Turkmenistan

5) Women and the world of work in Uzbekistan. Towards gender equality and decent work for all

You can also learn about the situation of young women in the CIS from statistical collections prepared by state statistical services.