Analytical review "Young families in the CIS"


The new monthly material of the library gives an idea of the policy towards young families in the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS).

Source: senivpetro image on Freepik
Source: senivpetro image on Freepik

The family policy pursued by the Commonwealth countries is focused on strengthening the role of the family and increasing the birth rate. This vector is relevant because there is a growing tendency in the world to increase the number of divorces and single-parent families, marry later, and decrease the birth rate. In the CIS support measures are primarily directed at young families with high reproductive potential. In this context the comparison of policies in different countries is of particular interest.

In the review you will find:

- interpretations of the term "young family" in the legislative acts of the CIS Member States

- measures of state support for young families

- information on the legal regulation of family policy

- the results of sociological research on the problems of the modern young family

Read the report here.