Digest № 28: implementation of youth policy and education in the regions of Russia, bullying


30 new documents have been added to the library this week. Most of them are reports on the results of the implementation of youth policy and the development of the education system in the regions of the Russian Federation.

A separate block of methodological publications reveals the topic of bullying and its prevention. Two regulatory documents are devoted to the support of young scientists.

Also of interest are the concept of professional orientation of young people in the Republic of Belarus and the Regulation on holding a forum of student pedagogical teams of the Volga Federal District.

Legal and regulatory materials:

1)    Regulation on the award of the President of the Russian Federation in the field of science and innovation for young scientists

2)    Action Plan ("Road Map") to improve support measures provided to young researchers

3)    Regulations on holding a forum of student pedagogical teams of the Volga Federal District

4)    Program for the development of youth sports in the Saratov Region until 2030

5)    Concept for the development of professional orientation of youth in the Republic of Belarus

6)    Order of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federantion No. 1214 of December 7, 2022 "On the Council of Vice-Rectors for Youth Policy and Educational Activities of Educational Institutions of Higher Education under the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation"

Methodological materials

7)    Guidelines for teachers of the Ivanovo Region on carrying out activities in the field of prevention of negative manifestations in the children's and youth environment in a distant format using Internet resources

8)    Guidelines for organizing and conducting thematic shifts with the participation of students who are on various types of preventive accounting

9)   Guidelines for the development of a working program of education and a calendar plan for an educational work of an educational organization of higher education

10)  Bullying at school: issues of counteraction and prevention

11)  Methodological development "Prevention of bullying in children of different ages"

Information-analytical materials

12)  Analytical report of the Agency for Youth Policy and Implementation of Social Development Programs of the Krasnoyarsk Krai on the implementation of state program of the Krasnoyarsk Territory "Youth of the Krasnoyarsk Territory in the XXI century" for 2021

13)  Annual report on the implementation of the State Program of the Kostroma Region "Development of state youth policy in the Kostroma Region" for 2020

14)  Collection of effective models and practices of educational work and work on the prevention of destructive behaviour of adolescents and studying youth

15)  Development of the volunteer movement in the Leningrad Region

16)  Information collection "Results of the implementation of state youth policy in the Orenburg Region for 2020. Promising areas of activity and Action Plan for 2021"

17)  Information on the development of the system of youth consultative and advisory bodies of the Leningrad Region

 18)  Information on the main results of the implementation of youth policy in the Saratov Region for 2022

19)  The results of a study on the mental health problems of children and adolescents who have become victims or accused of illegal actions in the Internet environment, including in the form of bullying and cyberbullying

20)   Annual report on the implementation and evaluation of the effectiveness of the state program of the Nenets Autonomous Okrug "Implementation of state youth policy and patriotic education of population in the Nenets Autonomous Okrug" for 2020

21)  The main results of the activities of the Department of Youth Affairs of the Primorsky Territory for 2021

22)  On the work of the Youth Policy Committee of the Murmansk Region for 2021

23)  On the implementation of youth policy of the Murmansk Region

24)  Public report of the Department of Education of the Ivanovo Region for the 2021-2022 academic year

25)  Report on the development of youth entrepreneurship in the Leningrad Region

26)  Report "The main results of the activities of the Ministry of Education and Youth Policy of the Sverdlovsk Region in 2021 and tasks for 2022"

27)  On the implementation of state management of education system of the Republic of Karelia in 2021

28)  Final report of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Altai on activities for 2021