Digest of documents for the 24th week of 2023


Over the past week the library has been replenished with 10 new statistical materials. They are issued by the National Statistical Committee of the Kyrgyz Republic. We present you a list of the latest publications.

1) Control over the circulation of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and their precursors in the Kyrgyz Republic. 2009-2013. Special issue (part 1)

2) Child Deprivation Index in the Kyrgyz Republic in 2013-2017

3) Child Deprivation Index in the Kyrgyz Republic in 2015-2019

4) Kyrgyzstan in figures: statistical compilation (2016)

5) Kyrgyzstan in figures: statistical compilation (2017)

6) Kyrgyzstan in figures: statistical compilation (2018)

7) Population health and healthcare in the Kyrgyz Republic: statistical compilation (2010-2014)

8) Women and men of the Kyrgyz Republic: statistical compilation (2011-2015)

9) Women and men of the Kyrgyz Republic: statistical compilation (2012-2016)

10) Women and men of the Kyrgyz Republic: statistical compilation (2013-2017)