Digest of documents for the 32nd week of 2022


This week's digest contains 29 materials. 14 publications are dedicated to the Scout Movement of the CIS. The documents of  Belarus, Russia and Uzbekistan on youth policy have also been added. 

In the "Legal and regulatory materials" category you can find programs, regulations and decrees:

1)      State Program "Education and youth policy" for 2021-2025

2)      On results of the implementation of state youth policy in 2021 and development priorities for 2022

3)      Passport of the state program of the Kursk Region "Improving the effectiveness of the implementation of youth policy, creating favorable conditions for the development of tourism and developing a system of recreation for children in the Kursk Region"

4)      Regulation on the Main Department of Ideological Work and Youth Affairs of the Grodno Regional Executive Committee

5)      Regulation on holding an open competitive selection on the territory of the Kemerovo Region - Kuzbass in the framework of the All-Russian competition of best regional practices of volunteering support "Region of good deeds" in 2021

6)      Development Strategy of state youth policy of the Republic of Belarus until 2030

7)      Decree on additional measures to comprehensively support young people and further increase their social activity

8)      Decree on additional measures to support entrepreneurship, promote employment, social protection and meaningful organization of free time for young people

The category "Information-analytical materials" includes reports on state programs and activities of state institutions:

1)      Annual report on the implementation and evaluation of the state program effectiveness of the Kursk Region "Improving the effectiveness of the implementation of youth policy, creating favorable conditions for the development of tourism and developing a system of recreation for children in the Kursk Region" for 2021

2)      Annual report on the progress for 2019 of the state program effectiveness of the Kurgan Region "Development of education and implementation of state youth policy"

3)      Annual report on the progress for 2020 of the state program effectiveness of the Kurgan Region "Development of education and implementation of state youth policy"

4)      Annual report on the progress for 2021 of the state program effectiveness of the Kurgan Region "Development of education and implementation of state youth policy"

5)      Report on activities of the Department for Youth Affairs of the Primorsky Territory for 2020

6)      Report on activities of the Department for Youth Affairs of the Primorsky Territory for 2019

7)      Report on activities of the Department for Youth Affairs of the Primorsky Territory for 2018

One document about the forum campaign has been added to the "Methodological materials" category:

1)     Methodological recommendations on the organization and conduct of youth forums within the framework of the All-Russian youth forum campaign in 2016

Documents about the Scout Movement you can find here.