Digest of documents for the 39th week of 2022


New documents that have been added to the library in a week. 

The e-library received 27 documents from Russia and other CIS countries. Some of them are dedicated to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and have been added to the release of an information note on this topic. The documents of the Association of Volunteer Centers and the Center for the Promotion of Employment and Career Guidance of Youth "Vector" are also presented.

Documents related to the Sustainable Development Goals are presented under the сategory "Legal and regulatory materials":

1) Regulation on the Youth Ambassadors of the Sustainable Development Goals (Republic of Belarus)

2) Regulation on the programme "Sustainable Development Goals Youth Ambassadors"

3) Resolution adopted by the General Assembly on 25 September 2015 "Transforming our world: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development"

Collections, manuals and recommendations have been added to the "Methodological materials" category:

4) Silver volunteering: key aspects of development. Methodological guide

5) Volunteer movement in a general education organization: textbook of methods

6) Best practices of interaction of volunteer centers with public authorities: methodological guide

7) Best practices of organizing the activities of resource centers: methodological guide

8) Methodological development of classes on introduction to volunteer activities for students of educational organizations

9) Methodological materials on the topic "Involvement in volunteering of people with disabilities, including Russian and foreign experience"

10) Methodological development of classes on introduction to volunteer activities for students of educational organizations

11) Methodological recommendations on the organization and conduct of thematic lessons (classes) on volunteering in educational organizations

12) Methodological recommendations on working with volunteers for the head of the organization

13) Model of the regional resource center of volunteerism

14) Model school volunteer squad: methodological guide

15) Service-learning: methodological guide

The category "Information-analytical materials" presents reports and collections:

16) Volunteer movement of Russia: support measures and development trends

17) Materials of the city competition of career guidance programs

18) SDG Youth Ambassadors in Russia (2018)

19) SDG Youth Ambassadors in Russia (2019)

20) SDG Youth Ambassadors in Russia (2020)

21) SDG Youth Ambassadors in Russia (2021)

22) Generalization of the best practices of voluntary organizations in providing socio-psychological rehabilitation of disabled persons and disabled children, as well as in the field of organizing work with parents raising children with disabilities, including Russian and foreign experience

23) Generalization of technologies for attracting volunteers to provide special services in social service organizations, including Russian and foreign experience

24) Organization of volunteer activities in state (municipal) institutions

25) Organization of volunteer activities in a non-profit organization

26) Report on the results of a sociological study "On the professional intentions of graduates of 9 and 11 classes of secondary schools"

27) Collection of the best volunteer practices