Digest of documents for the 41st week of 2022


A selection of the latest documents from organizations such as the World Assembly of Youth (WAY), the Russian Union of Rural Youth, the Agency for Strategic Initiatives and the Center for Youth Projects (Stavropol Territory).

Methodological collections and recommendations have been added to the "Methodological materials" category:

1) Creation of physical culture and sports organizations and carrying out physical culture and mass work in rural areas: methodical collection

2) Methodological recommendations for the implementation of the Volunteer Support Standard in the regions

3) Universal organizational and managerial model of activity of physical culture and sports organizations in rural areas: information and methodological collection

The "Information-analytical materials" category has been supplemented with reports, standards and results of sociological research:

4) 16th Melaka International Youth Dialogue “Youth for Environmental Sustainability: Our Future, Our Care”: report

5) 17th Melaka International Youth Dialogue “Our Roles in Solving Juvenile Delinquency”: report

6) 18th Melaka International Youth Dialogue "Youth Engineering A Sustainable Urbanisation": report

7) Analysis of data from the sociological survey "Youth of Stavropol - 2017: a social portrait"

8) Analysis of data from the sociological survey "Youth of Stavropol - 2019: a social portrait"

9) Annual report of the World Assembly of Youth (2015)

10) Annual report of the World Assembly of Youth (2016)

11) Annual report of the World Assembly of Youth (2017)

12) Annual report of the World Assembly of Youth (2018)

13) The Volunteer Support Standard in the regions of the Russian Federation

14) WAY Youth Satellite Event for the World Innovation Forum "Ideas of Today, Realities of Tomorrow"

15) XIV General assembly "Youth rise to meet the HIV/AIDS challenge!": report

16) XV General assembly "Youth rise for peace": report

17) XVI General assembly "Youth leadership succession: past and future": report