Digest of documents for the 44th week of 2022 


A selection of new submissions from organizations such as the Scientific Research Center "Youth", the Statistical Committee of the Commonwealth of Independent States, the European Youth Forum and Youth for Freedom of Speech Center.

In the category "Methodological materials" collections of methodological materials, methods, guidelines and manuals have been added:

1) Active teaching methods in raising the level of legal culture of young people: collection of methodological materials

2) Formation of competent behaviour skills of young people in the labour market: collection of methodological materials

3) Formation of tolerant behaviour skills: collection of methodological materials

4) Guide to the Wellbeing Index and Youth Development

5) Kazakhstan Youth Wellbeing Index and Summary Report on the results of national online consultations with Kazakhstan Youth

6) Methodology for calculating the youth development index

7) Social action training: methodological guide

The category "Information and analytical materials" was replenished with a brochure and a report:

8) WFDY, 65 years struggling against imperialism

9) Youth Progress report 2021