Digest of documents for the 46th week of 2022


Over the past week the library has been replenished with 13 documents on demography, youth and youth policy. The library also received a textbook on return migration.

Most of the documents were published under the editorship of Professor, Doctor of Sociology, expert in the field of youth policy Tamara Kerimovna Rostovskaya. The list of the latest documents by category is presented below.

The category "Information-analytical materials" has been supplemented with collections, monographs and reports:

1) Demographic wellbeing of Russian Regions. National population report-2020

2) Demographic wellbeing of Russian Regions. National demographic report

3) Issues of improving state policy pursued in interests of young scientists, their academic mobility in Russia and countries of the world. Monograph

4) Family and demographic processes in modern Russia. Monograph

5) Family in modern society. Series "Demography. Sociology. Economics". Volume 4, No 1

6) Features of the process of integration of young migrants and immigrants into Russian society and the implementation of youth policy in the multinational states of Europe, the CIS, China and India (results of the All-Russian sociological study): monograph

7) II All-Russian Demographic Forum with international participation: forum materials (Moscow, December 4-5, 2020)

8) Legal status and social adaptation of young women released from places of deprivation of liberty: monograph

9) Russian society and the state in a pandemic: socio-political situation and demographic development of the Russian Federation in 2020: collective monograph

10) Socio-demographic potential of Russian youth. Proceedings of the All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference (Yalta, April 22–24, 2021)

11) Value orientations of modern youth: features and trends: monograph

12) Youth and youth policy: new meanings and practices. Series "Demography. Sociology. Economics". Volume 5, No 1

A textbook has been added to the category "Methodological materials":

13) Return migration: international approaches and regional features of Central Asia. Methodological guide