Digest of documents for the 51st week of 2022


Over the past week the library has been replenished with 10 documents. Most of them were issued by the Representative Office of the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) in Turkmenistan.

They are dedicated to the situation of children in the republic, the achievement of Sustainable Development Goals and UNICEF cooperation with the Government of Turkmenistan.

The library also received the publication of the Russian Public Opinion Research Center. It reveals the role of the children's camp in the formation of the younger generation.

The list of the latest documents by category is presented below.

The UNICEF program has been added to the "Legal and regulatory materials" category:

1) Country Cooperation Program between UNICEF and the Government of Turkmenistan (2021-2025)

The "Information-analytical materials" category has been supplemented with reports and analytical publications:

2) Analysis of Situation of Children’s and Women’s Rights in Turkmenistan

3) Baseline Assessment for Child-related SDG indicators in Turkmenistan

4) More than just a rest: the role of the children's camp in shaping younger generation. According to the All-Russian poll of the Russian Public Opinion Research Center

5) Progress for every child in Turkmenistan. Are we on track to achieve the SDGs for children? Situation in 2020

6) Turkmenistan. Situation analysis of the boys and girls with disabilities. Child wellbeing series. Issue 2, 2015

7) UNICEF Turkmenistan Annual Report 2016. Partnerships for Children

8) UNICEF Turkmenistan Annual Report 2018. Partnerships for Children

9) UNICEF Turkmenistan Annual Report for 2019 

The methodology of the training from UNICEF has been added to the category "Methodological materials":

10) Child-friendly schools in Turkmenistan. Training Guide