Over the past week the library has received 15 documents. Most of them are normative materials dedicated to the implementation of youth policy and the celebration of national Youth Days. Also, 5 collections contain statistical information about the demography and socio-economic situation in Russia.
Legal and
regulatory materials:
1) Decree of the Government of the
Kyrgyz Republic dated January 14, 2002 No. 15 "On the establishment of the
Youth Day of the Kyrgyz Republic"
2) Decree of the Government of the Omsk
Region No. 131-p of November 1, 2006 "On monitoring the processes taking
place in the youth environment, the report on the situation of youth and the
implementation of state youth policy in the Omsk Region"
Decree of the President of the
Republic of Belarus dated March 26, 1998 No. 157 "On public holidays,
holidays and memorable dates in the Republic of Belarus"
4) Law of the Republic of Tajikistan
dated 02.08.2011 No. 573 "On public holidays"
5) Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan
dated August 14, 2017 No. ZRU-437 "On the establishment of the Youth Day
of the Republic of Uzbekistan"
6) Order of the President of the
Russian Federation No. 132-rp dated May 2, 2023 "On the Youth Day"
7) Regulation on the State Award
"Mard uglon"
8) Report "On the situation of
youth and the implementation of state youth policy in the Omsk Region" in
9) Report "On the situation of
youth and the implementation of state youth policy in the Omsk Region" in
10) Report "On the situation of
youth and the implementation of state youth policy in the Omsk Region" in
Statistical materials:
11) Russia in figures: brief statistical
compilation (2020)
12) Russia in figures: brief statistical
compilation (2019)
13) Russia in figures: brief statistical
compilation (2018)
14) Russia in figures: brief statistical
compilation (2017)
15) Russia in figures: brief statistical
compilation (2016)