Expert community: A. Kochetkov, the Professor, Doctor of Law, Candidate of Sociological Sciences


Today our post is dedicated to the Professor of the Department of Public Administration and Personnel Policy of RANEPA and the Department of Public Administration and Law of MGIMO Andrey Kochetkov.

Photo source: Public News Service website
Photo source: Public News Service website

In 1999 he defended his Ph.D. thesis on the topic "Principles and sources of formation of civil service personnel of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in the conditions of the formation of a rule of law" (scientific specialty 22.00.04 - social structure, social institutions and processes) at RANEPA.

In 2011 Andrei Kochetkov defended his doctoral dissertation on the topic "The theory of legal regulation of state youth policy in Russia" (scientific specialty 12.00.01 - theory and history of law and state, history of teachings on law and state) at the Law Institute (St. Petersburg).

A. Kochetkov’s scientific interests include state youth policy and its legal regulation, theory and practice of state and municipal management, legal and organizational foundations of social policy, public service and personnel policy.

Mr. Kochetkov is the author of 160 scientific and educational works on legal and sociological problems of state and municipal administration, social, personnel and youth policy.

Our library contains more than 25 publications of Andrey Kochetkov.

Among them there are

- monographs on the legal regulation of state youth policy

- scientific articles about youth parliamentarism

- scientific articles on legislation and terminology in youth policy

Documents are on the site