The third issue that we would like to introduce to you in this section is devoted to the values and orientations of youth of the CIS countries.
The collection of scientific articles was prepared in 2015 by the Association of Technical Universities with the participation of the Bauman Moscow State Technical University.
The publication includes materials submitted by technical universities of the CIS Member States. The collection also includes articles received by the Association on the results of the Interuniversity Student Conference "Values transformation of modern Russian youth".
The materials of the collection analyze the problems of higher education from the prospective of humanities education and the formation of professional competencies. The publication reflects the issues of youth policy on the CIS, presents the main directions and results of sociological research on youth topics as well as theoretical and methodological bases of sociological analysis of problems of student youth.
The collection can be useful to teachers of social sciences and humanities, workers of higher school, heads of student organizations, educational and scientific institutions, authorities in the field of education as well as students and graduate students of humanitarian profile.