A collection of methodological materials "International youth exchanges online" has been published


The compilation has been elaborated and published by the Institute of Youth Policy and International Relations of RTU MIREA with the support of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation.

The authors of the publication are Dina Sokolova, Deputy Director of the Institute of Youth Policy and International Relations of RTU MIREA, Head of the Russian Coordination Bureau for Youth Cooperation with Germany; Ksenia Fedorova, non-formal education coach, professional coach, federal expert in the field of youth work, grant programs and volunteering.

The collection consists of five sections and includes practical recommendations for the preparation and conduct of international youth exchanges in online format:

- various aspects of bilateral international youth cooperation (on the example of cooperation with Germany and Japan): legal and regulatory framework, types of youth exchanges, categories of participants, coordination and financing system;

- planning of online youth exchange projects, including issues of goal setting and target group definition, recommendations for the development of the program and budget of the project, financing;

- recommendations on the formation of an organizational team and the selection of participants, a brief overview of digital platforms and tools for conducting online youth exchange projects;

- methods of conducting youth exchanges in the online format, issues of intercultural dialogue and features of group dynamics in the online space;

- practical examples of online youth exchange projects implemented in 2021-2022. 

The material is addressed to youth workers and specialists in international cooperation, employees of educational organizations and youth public associations implementing international youth exchanges as well as to all interested in the development of international youth cooperation.

Acquaint yourselves with the collection's materials by following the link