A selection of documents for the Day of Family, Love and Fidelity in Russia


In honor of the new All-Russian holiday we present documents from our library on state family policy. 

Source: Foundation for Social and Cultural Initiatives
Source: Foundation for Social and Cultural Initiatives

At the end of June the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin signed a decree establishing July 8 as the Day of Family, Love and Fidelity. The presidential decree states the holiday is established in order to preserve traditional family values, spiritual and moral education of children and youth.

Traditionally, on July 8 the Russian Orthodox Church celebrates the memory of Saints Peter and Fevronia who since ancient times were considered in Russia as the patrons of the family and marriage. At the state level the holiday called the "Day of Family, Love and Fidelity" was firstly held on July 8, 2008. It was organized by the Foundation for Social and Cultural Initiatives headed by Svetlana Medvedeva. Later the holiday began to be celebrated annually.

On this day we invite you to get acquainted with following documents:

1) In the CIS the use of the positive experience of countries that are members of the Commonwealth is facilitated by the Resolution of the Youth Interparliamentary Assembly of Member Nations of the Commonwealth of Independent States on the issue "On the implementation of state family policy in the CIS Member States". It also facilitates the formation of national mechanisms for achieving effective results.

2) In Russia the basis for organizing the work of state authorities and local self-government in resolving issues that relate to life of a young family is the Concept of state policy towards young family approved in 2007. The document defines a system of views, initial provisions, principles, basic concepts, priority areas and measures in the sphere of regulating relations between the state and young families.

3) In the Republic of Belarus purposes, principles and measures for the development and implementation of family policy taken by state bodies are reflected in the Main directions of state family policy of the Republic of Belarus adopted in 1998.

4) Forums of young families are held in Russia to create a system of communication platforms to support family values ​​among young people, popularize conscious parenthood, help strengthen the institution of a young family, help in crisis situations and ensure the continuity of generations. The Guidelines for organizing and holding forums of young families in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation present a unified approach to the process of organizing and holding forums of young families in the Methodological recommendations on the organization and holding forums of young families in the subjects of the Russian Federation. These recommendations define main parameters in creating the forum.

5) Clubs of young families also facilitates the implementation of state family policy. They represent associations of young spouses and their children. Here spouses, parents and children can develop and meet their needs in various areas. These clubs operate throughout the country. You can read about the experience of one of these clubs in the Nizhny Novgorod Region in the Methodical collection "From the experience of young families courses of the Nizhny Novgorod Region". The collection contains information about the legal regulation in the field of work with young families, the system of measures to support the institution of the family and the experience of clubs for young families.

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