Registration for participation in the International scientific and practical Conference "Prevention of destructive social impact on young people on the Internet in social networks" continues


The event will take place from December 8 to 10 in Moscow.

The main purpose of the Conference is to discuss the best practices for preventing and countering destructive effects on young people on the Internet in social networks.

The event will be attended by representatives of educational organizations (management and teaching staff), employees of state institutions of the Russian Federation and more than 8 foreign countries: the Republic of Belarus, the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Republic of Moldova, the Republic of Armenia, Mongolia, etc.

The conference program includes reports on the most diverse aspects of the topic of the event:

- "Falsification of history as a tool of information and psychological warfare against Russia";

- "Network movements and destructive subcultures as a threat to youth";

- "Informational and psychological mechanisms, patterns and features of ethnic mobilization of diaspora youth in the recent history of the CIS countries. Prevention measures";

- The "Overton Window" as a technology of destructive influence in social media";

- "Methods of informational and psychological influence used by extremist and terrorist movements".

The event is organized by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation and MIREA – Russian Technological University.

The link to the registration.

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