Rubric "Cases": The Irkutsk Regional Youth Library named after I. P. Utkin


In the new section we talk about interesting cases in the field of youth policy and youth work. Today we present to you the Irkutsk Regional Youth Library named after I.P. Utkin. It is a dynamically developing methodological center for youth work.

In 2022 the Strategy for the development of youth policy in the Irkutsk Region until 2030 was adopted. It assigns libraries an important role in the implementation of youth policy. The Irkutsk Regional Youth Library named after I.P. Utkin has developed a "Methodological guidance on priority areas of organization of youth work" based on this strategy.

The author of the methodological recommendations A.G. Podkovenko lists the main areas of activity that are in the priority of development in the field of youth policy, such as:

- volunteering

- patriotism

- support for young families

- entrepreneurship, etc.

Revealing these directions, the author indicates possible formats of work with young readers. As examples, projects already being implemented on the basis of not only the Regional Youth Library, but also other libraries of the Irkutsk Region and nearby regions are presented.

Project Week of Cultural Professions "Cult of the Pros" is aimed at building direct interaction between cultural institutions of the Irkutsk Region and young people who are planning or have already connected their lives with detail in the field of culture. Within the framework of the project, a series of meetings were held with the heads of the leading cultural institutions of the region and the organizers of private cultural projects, meetings of the "open dialogue" format, which helped to understand the organizational and managerial approaches of detail in different branches of culture. A number of participants have already received job offers after participating in the project.

The project office "Volunteers of Culture 38" also operates on the basis of the library. It coordinates work with volunteers in the municipalities of the region, supports project initiatives of volunteers, helps in organizing volunteer centers in cultural institutions of the region, interaction with federal organizations.

As part of the support for young families, the library cooperates with the Irkutsk regional public organization "Parents of Siberia". The project "Big Change-2" is being implemented jointly, aimed at preventing social orphanhood and family problems through improving the parental competencies of young parents and supporting families at the stage of formation.